Governance (ESG)
Infinite Thanks Challenge
Infinite Thanks Challenge 〰️
Infinite Thanks Challenge
As part of our Infinite Appreciation Month, we would like to invite you and your family (especially ones with kid(s)) to take 5-10 minutes of your time each day in the month of October to have a bit of fun!
We had a long chat with my soon to be 7 year old and her friends to put together a list of challenges that we could do to spread love around us, without financial involvement, and we guarantee you that it will put a massive big smile on your face and transform your energy for the day!
Challenge of the day ideas:
say hello to three strangers in a day
pay a compliment to three strangers in a day
tell a joke everyday to ten people
ask your neighbor, “How are you?”
open the door for the person behind you
write a little passage and give it to a stranger or someone you care about
do the laundry for your family for a week
take out the bin for a week
For the full list, please click here.
We encourage all challengers to pick something that resonates with you/them and be able to commit to the challenge on the day. You may pick a new challenge everyday if you wish or you could pick a challenge that lasts for the whole month. There are no specific rules to what to do providing no financial involvement with the objective of being kind and loving, how long to do it for or where you could do it.
If you take on a challenge in hope to create a new habit for the long run for yourself and loved one, we recommend to do it everyday for at least a month. Research has shown, it can take up to 18 to 254 days for a person to form a new habit, the length can vary depending on the behavior, the person, and the circumstances.
After each day of the challenge, we invite you to ask yourself and/or your friends and family one or more of the following questions:
How did the challenge serve you today?
How did your challenge make you feel today?
What did you learn about yourself from the challenge?
What did you learn about yourself from today?
What might you want to change about yourself after today?
How to hold yourself accountable?
It is always easier said then done right?!
We are here to help!
Each challenger will be issued with a Challenge Card with their name on it.
We encourage each challenger to record their challenge everyday, if taking a picture or a clip is possible without invading the privacy of others, please do so for your own memory keeping.
Each challenger is required to get the Challenge Card signed off by their family or friends after each challenge is completed on the day.
A challenger who completes the challenge for at least 15 days will receive a Certificate of Participation as a token of recognition for their effort and achievement.
If you and your family are taking part in this challenge together, encourage each other. Check in on them everyday as a reminder and soon enough the wheels will keep turning!
It is ok to take part of this challenge solely! You just need to have a will power and set up a reminder on your phone or write a little note to yourself!
Infinite Thanks Challenge is not a monitored challenge, it requires self-discipline and integrity. We are certain that you all could do this without a single doubt.
To receive your challenge card(s), please click below to complete the form
and return it to us at your earliest convenience.
As part of our Infinite Appreciation Month, each October we offer a 45 mins appreciation coaching session to help those who might be in need for an extra pair of ears.
If you are in need for a complimentary coaching session, please complete the attached form and return it to us at your earliest convenience.
***Infinite Appreciation Coaching initiative is based on first come, first served basis, early bird registration is encouraged.***
Infinite Coaching is very pleased to announce Infinite Appreciation Month!
As a working mother, a coach, a healer, a teacher and a human being, life can get extremely challenging and overwhelming from time to time.
You see….we live in a vibrant and energetic city that never sleeps. A place where we always have to be somewhere at a certain time at a certain place, we are constantly doing something or following a schedule that leaves us hardly any time to breathe or to think
about other things beside ourselves. This is the life of the vast majority of people who live in a major city. Often we fail to acknowledge and/or connect with people who we encounter regularly and/or fail to notice the little things that are happening which requires care and attention.
Luckily for me though, I had the liberty to slow down my pace a little this year which allowed me to reflect on my values, my boundaries, my goals and my environment. I also thought a lot about my daughter (who is my light); is this city providing the best environment to bring her up or would she be more suited elsewhere? As I compared the list of pros and cons that came to me; it dawned on me that there is a conflict between the virtues that I would like my daughter to possess and the environment that we are living in.
How could we develop our next generation to be truly loving, caring with kindness, compassion, gratitude and empathy when we as adults could not project such traits in our daily life? Children are simple, they see us adults as their role models; imitate our behavior, habits, words… it is important that we coach our next generation with higher awareness of all of those virtues to support their growth, to become leaders of their own lives, communities and of society. Show them how to step out of our own environment to see things from different lens with compassion and that we are all different. Expose to them how it feels like to be at the giving end with kindness and gratitude. Show them how to step into other people’s shoes with empathy to see and feel what the other person could be experiencing. Most of all, teach them how to love unconditionally.
If any of this resonates with you, we invite you to keep reading!
Let’s transform!
If you are still reading, it could mean that:
there is a small part of you or a big part of you would like to make a change for either yourself and/or your loved ones.
you are unsure where to start this transformation
you are unsure how to start without interrupting your hectic schedules
but whatever reason to why you are here, it doesn’t really matter. All that matters is that you are here to transform.
Every year, Infinite Coaching assigns the month of October to be the month to give back - Infinite Appreciation Month, as a reminder to connect/reconnect with people around us and to raise our awareness of those little things that we failed to acknowledge. October would be the month to provide us an opportunity to reflect and to align/realign ourself with our core beliefs and values.
We would like to invite you to join the Infinite Thanks Challenge to have some fun and to raise awareness within yourself, within the people around you and your surroundings. It would be a token of our love to our society, people, planet and the universe. Charity begins at home!
We would also like to invite you to apply for Infinite Appreciation Coaching if you have a need for a 45mins complimentary coaching session. It is for those who might need support in the month of October.
Disclaimer: Infinite Coaching is not a NGO. There is no financial involvement, just the time and effort we spent to put Infinite Appreciation Month together.
Infinite Appreciation Month is purely for fun, self development, to raise awareness and to bring rainbow to our daily life.
The Samaritans
Samaritans have a 24 hours a day, 365 days a year helpline to help men who are
- having a difficult time
- struggling to cope
- with suicidal thoughts -
Elephants and bees project
An award-winning project explores the use of Beehive Fences as a natural elephant deterrent, helping protect farmers and farmland.
They also run other projects
i.e. Women’s Enterprise Program